The Good Jobs Report is a newsletter for Boise-area engineering, design, product management, and marketing jobs.
Delivered to your email every other Friday.
Tell me more
Local jobs
All jobs posted are located in the Boise area. This includes Meridian, Nampa, Caldwell, Eagle, and even Garden City. And if they’re really good, the occasional remote job.
Only the good ones
Boise-area jobs are found and reviewed using a powerful human-curated algorithm—sorry, robots. Companies with poor employee reviews or sketchy job postings won’t make the cut.
It’s free
No paid tiers, pay walls, or spam emails. I promise.
Infrequently asked questions
Who is this for?
Boise-area technology professionals, students, or people looking to move to the area. Even Californians.
What kinds of jobs?
For now it’s engineering, design, marketing, cx, sales, and product jobs.
Why does this exist?
The world is a bit rocky right now. People are being laid off or furloughed and jobs are harder to come by. The Good Jobs Report is designed to help Boiseans find good jobs in their city. It hurts when someone leaves because they couldn’t find another job here.
Can I submit a job?
Yes. Submit a job with this form.
If I submit a job, will I see it in the email?
Not necessarily.
Can my company pay to get a job posted in The Good Jobs Report?
I like this. How can I help?
Share it with your friends, colleagues, family members, or a complete stranger.
I hate this. How do I make it stop?
I found a good job, but it’s in Fruitland. Should I submit it?